Saturday, 31 March 2012

Something . Someone. Friendship . Love

" Sometimes, its not the person you miss. Its the feeling and moments you had when you were with them"
 ~ mimi and momo ~

There goes the story untold..
~ Something that i will never be able to forget. Someone that me gonna miss forever. Friendship that mean a world to me and irreplaceable Love that goes to eternity~

What I  learned in life is "people come and go'. They will never ever stay the same or one day the will run away from you for many reasons. So please don't you ever put too much trust, hope and love on one person because that simple too much can hurt you so much. Trust me..!!

Too much good things will turn out badly too and people say that sometimes good things need to be ended for better things to begin. True much hah..? LOL *me still wondering about this* -.-

But honestly it would never be that easy but no one said it would be this hard to accept the fact that we keep on losing someone we love. :(

"What should i do..? damn its hurting me even more" 

*typical question for a broken hearted-girl* 

Let me share with you some advices given by one person. She told me that i should erase all the messages *sms, whatsapp, viber, im fb or whatsoever* delete the numbers and move on. I dont have to forget them; just accept that they aren't that person anymore and have faith on God. Stay strong and stay cool ;) Hahahahaha..
Hard enough..? *me also still trying* ;D

Up till now, I believe that things happen for a reason. If something is meant to be, it will happen. in the right time, with the right person and for the best reason :)
If he reads this, i just want him to know that he will always be the best part of my life's story. ^^
* he got his own chapter of mine *

p/s : I hate the feeling when you have to say goodbye to someone you want to spend every minute with. T.T

lettre d'amour : The saddest thing in life is when you meet that special someone and you know it will never be and sooner or later you will have to let them go.

sincerely ~amorlitteras~

Friday, 30 March 2012